Monthly Archives: September 2013

Hello UVic!

The 2013/2014 school year is off to a great start!

In case you weren’t at our first meeting, here is a brief outline of what we discussed:

Cassidy Thomson was elected President

Ryan Solcz was elected Vice President (for 1st term only)

Andrew Lemieux was elected Treasurer

We talked a bit about what we’d like to accomplish this year, and we’ve set some small and achievable goals:

– We’d like to have a movie screening some time in first semester. There will be a meeting about this soon to discuss dates and what we might like to watch! A funding request has been sent in to the LSS so hopefully we’ll be able to get some awesome snacks and get lots of students to come out

-We’d also like to have some sort of lunch time speaker event in second semester. Discussions were had about trans rights and particularly the legal barriers to changing your gender and the impact this may have on an individual’s rights. There is a trans conference going on this February at Uvic with the “trans archives” so perhaps it could be done in conjunction with this event… stay tuned!

– Most importantly, it was agreed that our kick off event this year will be a potluck at Cassidy’s houseĀ on October 19th at 7pm. A doodle pool was sent out and this was by far the most popular date. If you’d like to come and didn’t receive any information on this, please don’t hesitate to send an email to:

That’s all the news for now! Stay tuned, we really hope to have a more active group this year!

– Cassidy